從 3.1.2 升級到 3.1.3

在執行升級之前,你應該更換 index.php 為靜態檔案,將網站導向此靜態網頁。

步驟 1:更新網站 CodeIgniter 檔案

取代 system/ 目錄打下的所有目錄與檔案

步驟 2: 移除輔助函式 nice_date() 的使用 (deprecation)

The Date Helper function nice_date() is no longer useful since the introduction of PHP’s DateTime classes

You can replace it with the following:

DateTime::createFromFormat($input_format, $input_date)->format($desired_output_format);

Thus, nice_date() is now deprecated and scheduled for removal in CodeIgniter 3.2+.

步驟 3: 移除 $config[‘standardize_newlines’] 的使用

The Input Library would optionally replace occurrences of rn, r, n in input data with whatever the PHP_EOL value is on your system - if you’ve set $config['standardize_newlines'] to TRUE in your application/config/config.php.

This functionality is now deprecated and scheduled for removal in CodeIgniter 3.2.+.